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stepLINKS of the Day

If this internet thing doesn’t work out for me, I’m thinking of getting into this “new normal” lucrative delivery game….you know delivering groceries to random hotties all day…jerking off in their food before serving it up hot…you know typical delivery guy things….I just need a car….and a valid driver’s license…and to expunge my criminal record…but […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Friday is THIGH DAY….and here are the morning hangonver link at 1:30 pm, because. morning is a relative term when you are an unemployed degenerate… Like when your wife calls you from the hospital after a girls weekend because she had an accident and had to get 10 stitches, only to find out the 10 […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The key to life is knowing that you are insignificant, irrelevant, and that no one cares even if the internet gives you an illusion that they do. You don’t matter, no one matters, so figure IT out. REMEMBER – If celebrities like it or endorse it then it is bad, celebrities are not like average […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The funny thing about me being called a pig, a misogynist, I mean basically every woman hating thing around is that I actually love women, believe in women, support women and think women are more interesting, more fun, more hilarious and more capable than men….while I think men are just a bunch of babbling idiots […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Trash worth 900 million is just a good sign that ditial marketing works and that the general public is easily brain washed….it’s a nice reminder that Instagram is great for people to find all the things they don’t need to buy, but feel they need to buy, because some idiot who only cares about money […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am sure you have been excitedly waiting for these links, like the younger generation on the internet waiting until their 18th birthday to launch their nude snap chat / subscription site to sell their nudes on because fuck college and their 50k a year tuition despite only doing online classes…when motherfuckers would rather be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Always judge a man by what is in his recycling bin…or trash… I find out a lot about my shitty neighbors, like how much money they have, what diseases they have, how many condoms they go through in a week, lol, no one uses condoms…what sex toys or panties they’ve blown out…you know what I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Plan B is sold out everywhere, it is nature’s second best birth control, but abortions are too risky now that you don’t want that COVID-19… So many babies in a year from now….who will be born in some virus filled hospital….only to die before they even really lived… All because of the China Virus / […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Thanksgiving is upon us, just a day away, well not for me, I live in Canada and we do that shit in October…so as you deal with family, using your notes from your buzzfeed article on how to deal with family with different politics than you, as you prepare to meet your nephew who is […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Ya’ll remind me of that dude who died from injecting his scrotum with silicone…only fatter… Ya’ll remind me of the Tranny crying Transphobia cuz a pornographer hired it as a model for a fuck scene and when it showed up with a dick…it was asked to leave cuz of the dick…it wasn’t that kind of […]