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stepLINKS of the Day

Shoutout to Master Commander Supreme Ruler of the Free World Trump for trolling the fucking world…making a mockery of US politics….and winning at life…more than he already has…because he is officially the winner of your country’s most important position…Realty TV has destroyed you – I’m already prepping for First Lady Kardashian…… Speaking of being wins, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I love having conversations with people complaining about no living in the tropics – during bullshit winter – which seems to happen every winter – some of the poorest people live in the tropics….and if you’ve been the tropics getting Hepatitis from the “water”….you’ll know that… I love that whenever someone gets herpes from a […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The world is a spread pussy – and my impotence makes it impossible for me to cum on it….so I’ll just angrily stare…. That’s all I have to say about that….I call comments like that – the reason I don’t have success… Here are some stepLINKS…. This Picture is More Interesting Than Anything Else Going […]




stepLINKS of the Day

With every post I write – I think “I wonder if this will be the one that goes viral, that puts me on the map, that gets me noticed, that will be so funny, compelling, intelligent, inspiring, that I end up a motivational speaker, filmmaker, dot com billionaire”….but it never happens, it probably will never […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I had a fight with a creepy pervert instagram photographer – who is hardly a photographer but has done a year of pics with no name models who get naked in the same style pics every one of these girls from social media do…the fight was over me being a pervert, who sexualizes the pictures […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am a hero… I went to a bar and saw a table of fat chicks….not the old school kind of fat chicks that look like they smell, can’t wipe their asses properly, don’t shower because they are too busy eating, but fat chicks of equal size and stature who shower and dress fashionable now […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know people hate when I talk about tinder, because they never comment on what I have to say, which is definitely because they hate when I talk about tinder, and in no way because they aren’t reading anything I write….like I am an authority on anything….or like I deserve to be paid attention to […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I like to write in poor grammar on purpose, just to annoy the people I am texting, or to see if they notice, I mean most speak to me in emoji or acronymns…and are just taking to themselves, so a little There, their, they’re, th’air….on a little UR, your, you’re , our…OAR….doesn’t phase them…fucking lazy […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Last night I saw a social justice warrior rudely ask for a gender neutral bathroom as if expecting there to not be one and when the staffer said “it’s in the back” she just stood there shell shocked with nothing to fight – no uprise – she or should I call her “it” just had […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem with cheering on girls running the track in short shorts – when you’re not running the track – but rather laying on the track with your mouth open and tongue out – acting as the finish line – when you’re not asked to be the finish line – is that no one will […]