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stepLINKS of the Day

People are pretty uptight, fighting about the latest viral story on the news, whether that’s war or pandemic, or vaccines or other bullshit that I prefer to not pay attention to, because I’m either too self absorbed to care, or maybe I just don’t actually fucking care to hop onto the next ICE BUCKET challenge […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’ 9/11 and I am glad to see that as a society, we’ve come far enough along to finally be able to post hilarious memes about that fateful day, which is arguably a false flag, or at the very least an inside job, that had it’s grip on all people’s hearts, that made travel more […]




stepLINKS of the Day

That 70s show freaky scientology motherfucker Danny Masterson is going down for rape, he just got 30 years to life for whatever it is that he did to women, because he’s a piece of shit who thought he was important due to being on a hot sitcom when that still mattered….they will probably get him […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There are so many tits out on the streets, it’s pretty exciting. From the fresh college students doing Frosh week, all new to the city, busty and braless….to the hot Russian immigrant mom in the summer dress, braless and hard nippled not realizing that her tits were poking out, until I stared too hard at […]




stepLINKS of the Day

LICK So many tits to stare at, not enough time…. At risk of sounding like a virgin teenager with a tit obsession, who doesn’t know how to judge a woman by the content of her character or lack of character, but rather for the content of her bra….you know just a mindless ape going through […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s nice to see that the people are starting to speak up about the insanity that they’ve normalized… Whether it’s drag queen shit, child trans shit, and all the brands that we support or consume hoping on the trend to appease a smaller percentage of freaks on the internet who whine about the injustices they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the weekend…. I suggest you source out some real tit… You know hunt and gather or forage them… This internet tit is destroying your soul, your purpose, your drive, your testosterone levels…. This internet tit is stealing your happiness, it’s distracting you, it’s not very rewarding unless the tit is in your mouth…so get […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Spaz….like retarded, is still a great word… Speaking of Spaz…there’s no quality control in these self produced nudes. We’ve got so many ugly chicks or average chicks who think they are hot because dudes tell them they are in trying to get nudes to trying to get laid. Maybe it’s the anti-depressants that have made […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The world may be crazy. Meaningless fights with meaningless people. Everyone siding with their hero, who is just as corrupt as the other guy, just non stop whining and negativity… But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun… Sure, it may mean you should fake your own death before having fun… Maybe getting a off-grid […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Valentine’s Day…..don’t be out there trying to date rape anyone…..date rape, although passionate and intense is not a sign of romance and it will never land you love….sure you’ll be able to bust a nut or two before the date rape drugs wear off….but that’s hardly the right approach…. When it comes to options…..always […]