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stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t care how things seem to be easing up for most, or how people are acting like we weren’t locked down for as long as we were in one of the most abusive mind fucks ever…. I am convinced the apocalypse is still happening… If COVID positive for the 5th time triple vaccinated can […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think people are starting to realize that the “America” or “World” that the movies, TV, the news are painting for them in the newseed, is actually not the real “America” or “World” we live in. We’re just a bunch of suckers who don’t bother leaving the house, so we assume that it is as […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Does this call for fighters from around the world to help fight in the Ukraine come with a free flight, because I figure if you want to put your money where your MEMES are, and get out there to defend for the FREEDOM of some country you know nothing about, when you’re perfectly fine with […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t get involved in war talk..but I fucking see it everywhere…all these military strategists who don’t think it’s all just one big show that’s even cast celebs to play their part in it.. I do get involved in wondering why…they say you can’t make a wife out of a ho…because you can, I mean […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Repeat after me…. “I DO NOT CONSENT TO EVIL”…. Now…. “I REBUKE ALL EVIL”….. Now…. “FREEDOM FOR EVERY ONE”….. I can’t believe we live in a time where people are fighting over freedom….I realize it is because there’s fucking demons walking amongst us. Possessed or hypnotized by evil overlords who have made their way into […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I live in Canada, where 99 percent of the people are complicit idiots, scared shitless of the “NEW VARIANT”….makes coughing maskless in a store pretty dangerous… Even coughing in a mask gets people NUTTY…which is only funny to me because we’ve all been in this COVID shit for 2 years, you’d think by now people […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There’s a lot going on out there on this horrible internet, I wouldn’t suggest you ignore it This vaccine battle is at the point of stupid. Everyone has to ask you about your vaccines, you know to be polite because they don’t actually care about your vaccine, they just want to pretend they do so […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I remember a time when hot chicks didn’t need to post on social media for attention cuz they were hot….I am sure I’ve written about this, assuming you consider this writing, not that you’re reading this, maybe I should record myself reading it, some Mr Rogers shit…anyway…hot chicks were busy being hot, cool people were […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I really think the fall of society happened when the bikini car wash didn’t take over all car washes, but instead automated robots did….why ruin a good thing… I don’t know any man, woman other than a few women’s studies feminists and maybe some gays, but the gays I know would fucking love it, who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The real question is – What Year Is It in Ethiopia… That said, I may know that we are an alien experiment gone bad, but do you? I mean there’s no way that we’re not created by aliens and didn’t pass the test with our soulless, money grubbing, EVIL, disrespectful to the wondermint that the […]