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stepLINKS of the Day

Zombie motherfuckers… I am going to try not to write about vaccines, segregation because of vaccines, the media demonizing the unvaccinated, the President of the USA demonizing the unvaccinated, but based on their own information and numbers…none of it makes sense….so why bother trying to understand it when you can just jerk off all night […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The best thing about being irrelevant and cancelled by google a long long time ago is that no one cares that I use all the wrong keywords on the site, I mean I’m just out here trying to get traffic, even if that traffic is the AI trackers tracking….it makes me feel wanted… Now I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I remember a time when girls were repulsed by porn…. I know because I would gladly be the person who introduced them to porn and I am talking girls in their mid 20s and 30s who had never seen hardcore porn…and they’d be so grossed out by it…they’d write me off as a pervert and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There’s a lot of bullshit going on in the world, that’s OK, we don’t need to pay attention to it or let it get in the way of fun…because to kill ourselves would be far less interesting that to watch it all go down….and potentially implode…. I guess they’re succeeding in making the vaccinated hate […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Is it really the end of the world, I guess we’ll have to wait to find out….in the mean time, I’ll try not to talk about depressing things, since the world is depressing and we have no control as the slave class, so we should just turn off the confusing noise and mixed messages and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Did you see this Britney Spears shit, can you believe that these handler motherfuckers are abusing the fuck out of her in plain site and all her fans only realized this last year….I fucking hope that Britney gets the freedom she should have always had…these fuckers have fucked with her and they’re her own family….don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s a funny world where everyone is an imposter, cat fishing and tricking, pretending they belong and deserve their shit, while just performing, they know they are fake but it doesn’t matter cuz fake gets ahead…just ask all the fake tits at the stripclub…. It’s a fake as fuck world, where their pictures are fake, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

No one cares about what I have to say, but I’ll say it anyway, not that I have anything to say, which is why I should have started a Video Network with Original VIDEOS for YOUTUBE back in 2007 when Youtube Started paying people out….living off that Youtube Money would have been far better than […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Whatever happened to rebels! I remember the punks….the anarchists…the people who didn’t trust corporations, pharma or the government…I guess they all got old and were replaced with pop music….shitty fucking pop music… It’s funny to see that it is Now the CHURCH people are the REBELS…they are the ones fighting the lockdowns here in Canada…and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know a lot of white people who are not privileged…I’m talking inbred meth addict trailer part dealing toothless prostitutes…they’ll do anything for 20 dollars and it is pretty amazing….because of how privileged they are….and when you’re done with them…you can say “take your colonialist ass out of here….feel your white guilt….”…. Then there’s white […]