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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty funny that you can basically trick people into doing basically anything with enough social pressure… MANIPULATION is real, but thanks to social media brainwashing, you don’t even need to try…I am not very good at it…but apparently some people are because I am seeing people locally, vaccinated people, MAD they aren’t getting COVID, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There is going to be a time when it is going to be cool to be “red pilled” and realizing that we are living in hell, that nothing we are being told makes any sense, and that we may have injected ourselves blindly with a kill shot, or at least a shot that gives us […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was in line buying beer and the person in front of me started chatting me up, because we’re all in this together, and because she probably thought I was homeless, friendless and in need of some conversation. Since everyone is a fucking predictive conversationalist, she started to say some shit about how mad she […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Anyone wanna go to South Africa? I hear it is summer there, the surfing is good but a little sharky, the women they’ve exported have brought boners from Theron, Swanepoel, even Genevieve Morton…they have funny accents, they LOVE apartheid and segregation, which seems to be hot as shit in these parts with these passports….and most […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

What’s NU?! LOL. RIGHT!! Fear Mongerers are hard a work and it is working, but I guess when you have everything You are the Slave class, I mean you finance the people who make laws against you. That’s fun….pay the RAPIST to use more force….COULD YOU TRY FUCKING ME WITH THAT BASEBALL BAT instead of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How many “Stuffing” jokes have you heard today, maybe it’s just my echoc hamber but I’ve seen at least 100….”Can’t wait to get stuffed”….”stuffing is my favorite”…”waiting to stuff”….it’s like we get it, you’re a 12 year old mentally..we’ve established that humans have become retardeds….and you a whore….who LIKES sex…so provocative…since EVERYONE has sex…even relatives. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Evil is hard at work and it is all around us, you best be trying to see it because they’re putting it in everything, to food, the water, the air, the medicine, the kids, the music, the movies, it’s getting worse and worse each day…and they are being pretty obvious about it….not even trying to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been practicing for a solid anti-masker viral video, because I feel like masks are useless and I like being asked to wear one, only to tell them they are discriminating against me, or that they are fascists, or if I find the right enforcer mask narc nerd, I show them the video of Fauci […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My life philosophy has always been “Kick them When They Are Up”….there is nothing more irritating than seeing people who think they are so clever, like they’ve figured it all out, or like they are sitting at the right table and are important because of it…. You have to remember that the popular kids in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may be sitting on a sinking ship, which is a bit of an overshot, I mean this is hardly a ship, maybe an imaginary one I play with in the bathtub when I can’t get my impotent dick hard…so I pretend we’re lost at sea with my balls….let’s say we’re more a dinghy found […]