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stepLINKS of the Day

Does this call for fighters from around the world to help fight in the Ukraine come with a free flight, because I figure if you want to put your money where your MEMES are, and get out there to defend for the FREEDOM of some country you know nothing about, when you’re perfectly fine with […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Today was a day that we can collectively hope influences the future, because FB and IG was shut down for whatever reason…and that is CLEARLY the future we should all embrace…the future we should all live…. I know people were probably freaking out, didn’t know how to deal with the lack of mindless bullshit they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Where have all the bad people of the internet have gone…..people used to be deathly terrified of meeting strangers off the internet for obvious reasons…now people are meeting strangers off the internet for sex in their houses with no fear of retribution, or being a victim of a fucking psycho….is the generation of wokeness who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not a smart guy, but I am smart enough to know that the people who run shit, because there are people who run shit, and we’re not those people, really think we’re fucking idiots…and I always say to girls who cry about being cheated on that dudes treat women how they treat themselves…and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

With everyone so ass obsessed, you gotta wonder how many of these pervert young folk shit into a condom and freeze it only to use as a dildo or butt plug, assuming they even know what condoms are… I know people are forgetting that it is the end of the world, but even before we […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I keep seeing girls being mad about slut shaming, or being sexualized because they go outside basically half naked and dudes are wired to look, otherwise they’d be homosexuals…which I guess most men are becoming…I blame all that dick in porn confusing you… I find it funny this don’t objectify me, reduce me to a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So much fake news it’s wild out there….and the funny thing is the lies you see being perpetuated…and the soft bullshit questions they are asking people who need to be asked important questions…it’s hilarious…like if you’re going to interview and you’re not asking them about their genitals you’re missing the point… Point being, the vaccinated […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We are making progress as a people, I am glad to say that Karaoke has been banned in parts of Canada, you know because of the virus….If you get caught singing Karoke, I hear they throw you in the back of a Snowmobile and feed you poutine until you turn into a stripper… That said, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So what’s new in racism today? I am more interested in documenting girls being sluts on the internet in all forms, because girls love being sluts on the internet…it’s cool to be a sex worker, they’re not even whores anymore….sex workers…so professional….and I am sure they all feel so in control of the pussy men […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I hope all you motherfuckers spent your weekend fake apologizing for shit you may have or may not have done…with zero level of sincerity all in hopes that people accept you accepting responsibility so that they don’t cancel you…even if your apology is pure bullshit…all they need to see is a passive “sorry”….and you’re in […]