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Romee Strijd Ready to Drop Porn of the Day

There was a time that you probably remember, since I never updated my strategy to reach the younger generation, and if I did, it’d probably involve posting up tranny porn, or genderless porn, or god knows what the young people are into besides selling their nudes on OnlyFans. But, there was a time when you […]




Romee Strijd Lingerie of the Day

Romee Strijd is one of them Victoria’s Secret models who was imported from some random ass country to steal the jobs of hard working American Women, because all the big brands fucking love Outsourcing all aspects of their business, I doubt ANYTHING Victoria’s Secret has been made in America, except maybe the SCANDALS that have […]




Romee Strijd Lingerie of the Day

I just wrote a post on ELSA HOSK posing for LOUNGE UNDERWEAR, they’re an instagram brand, and instagram is where the brands make fucking money, therefore they can hire the Victoria’s Secret babes like they aren’t a racier, lower tier, work with all the sluttiest of IG brand….they’re in the big leagues now… Or, Lounge […]




Romee Strijd Bikini of the Day

Romee Strijd is some Victoria’s Secret model who may not still be a Victoria’s Secret model, after the whole financing Epstein thing came out, the owner of the brand had to disappear himself and sell it off to someone else, which funny enough wasn’t even the thing that pissed the people off the most…you know […]




Romee Strijd Takes Her Pants Off of the Day

Romee Strijd is the hot Victoria’s Secret model you assumed was just filler because she was just sort of there and never really marketed too aggressively as anything but being a filler Victoria’s Secret model…the kind who is just happy to be included because she probably never expected to be Human Trafficked by the same […]




Romee Strijd Pregnant Bikini of the Day

Romee Strijd was a Victoria’s Secret model, so she has the stamp of approval of a brand that girls crave the stamp of approval of because they are simple minded, victims of marketing and pop culture, that they’ll blame on the patriarchy as they post more nude pics hoping to get famous for their nude […]




Romee Strijd Bra of the Day

Romee Strijd may have a stupid name…but she’s really fucking good looking, which is why the evil human traffickers at a certain UNDERWEAR mall brand as one of their ANGELS. Based on the headphones, I like to think she’s Eastern European or Russian, you know the way sex workers are supposed to be. You know […]




Romee Strijd Shitting on All Women in her Bikini Pic of the Day

Romee Strijd is another one of these girls the fat GEN-Z/Millennials, some with or without penis’ fucking hate….the kind of girl they see as the enemy because she’s making millions being a hot body for an evil underwear company that doesn’t use fat fucks with dicks in their campaigns LIKE they are supposed in this […]




Romee Strijd Bikini of the Day

Romee Strijd brings the age old question that Humanity has been asking itself for the last few decades and that is – if a Victoria’s Secret model you’ve only seen half naked….puts on a bikini and does a clickbait ass shot for her social media that I assume she is contractually obliged to do….does she […]




Romee Strijd Tight Leggings of the Day

Romee Strijd with the tight leggings… It is Friday. I have no opinion on this. Other than the fact that her pervert boss at Victoria’s Secret who owns her and who has cancelled the VS fashion show as they struggle to be relevant, is implemented in the Epstein case because perverts and rich people find […]