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stepLINKS of the Day

As the world collapses – I am still trying to figure out if that dress is white/gold or blue/black….I am old, out of touch but I know one thing, nothing changes or is different than it was, everything is on fucking repeat and you are all inconsistent idiots…. I don’t know why everyone is going […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I feel the struggle off all those trust funders are pretty happy they have rich parents / grandparents as they watch the normals scrambling…because they aren’t able to travel to all the hip places to experience culture, and find themselves, you know, to keep their IG popping, but luckily they can still quarantine with the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My biggest concern, which is less of a concern and more of an “Interest” is which celebrity will be the first to die of the Coronavirus as the earth slowly gets eradicate of the biggest disease….HUMANS…. Like a cancer across the great globe we call EARTH…billions of little bacteria called HUMANS go about their shitty […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Ya’ll remind me of that dude who died from injecting his scrotum with silicone…only fatter… Ya’ll remind me of the Tranny crying Transphobia cuz a pornographer hired it as a model for a fuck scene and when it showed up with a dick…it was asked to leave cuz of the dick…it wasn’t that kind of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

A friend wrote something about how not all women can be scientists, authors, or artists. Some women are just hot. That’s the only talent they have and that we should NOT take that away from them. It’s this weird era of people tripping over themselves with hypocrisy and bullshit, saying things they don’t mean then […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I left the house – so many Bike Shorts, I guess the whole internet is moulding the minds of the youth and the youth is back to college and the youth is living Instagram in real life…and even Ugly chicks identifying as hot chicks – cuz they empowered…which means you’ll be jacking off all weekend […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When an old lady sits and watches people at the public pool, people think she’s being sweet and old, when I do it, I’m a fucking pervert, sure I’m usually masturbating and I get that is perverted to some, but it’s nature baby….not to mention how are we to know that the old lady isn’t […]




Tits At Cannes of the Day

As a quick follow up to my last post on Alessandra Ambrosio….here are the vaginas that attended the Cannes film festival. The high profile pussy that was brought to the luxurious event to help close deals cuz dudes are weak when it comes to women and they all fall into the trap of pussy…the pussy […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Earlier today – I decided to leave my house and I walk into a pharmacy, I guess old memories of when I was a stock boy at a pharmacy, where all the hot women buying disgusting things reminded me that I was not a human, as I knew they’d never let someone they respected know […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So the first day of 2019 is done….and we’ve all accomplished zero. We’ve all broken our New Year Resolutions that even if you don’t subscribe to that bullshit you still tell yourself with that self aware voice in your head that you have things you want to do…whether it’s just having more fun, taking things […]