I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Not a Black Name

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
i said adam is a jewish name

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
i thought you only dated black dudes, like I only date big breasted, tight bodied dudes.

Adam’s Girl says:
well ur a fool bye

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
dude you are a little over fucking sensitive

Adam’s Girl says:
u have issues for real

Adam’s Girl says:
what is his name is supposed to be?

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
they aren’t issues, his name should be Jamal

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
or Click Click Ugamo Click

Adam’s Girl says:
ur a fucking loser dotn talk to me anymore

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
the swahili shit sounds awesome in person.. typing it out sucked

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
by the way the click is written like this !!ugamo!
you take things was too seriously

Adam’s Girl says:
fuck off seroiusly

i am – Jesus Martinez says:
relax – seriously, maybe !!Ugamo! should run you a nice warm bath, baby.

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I am – Cooking With Cum

There once was a homo named Jon – he insisted on spelling his name with an “H”….

He started a blog the same day as me….

Mine will be way better, but unlike him I don’t sit around trying to be funny all day…

If his posts are dull, let me know and I will totally drop him as a friend.

His girlfriend is a model for wedding catalogs.

He has yet to send me naked pictures of her.

Thanks Jon

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I am – Drunken Stepfather

Here, We Will Take Off Our Pants:

I like to drink and I am a stepfather, your stepfather.

I will show you things that you will like…

I will help you become a better person…

We only feature things we think are worth posting

Sometimes they will be offensive, sometimes funny, sometimes not cool at all.

It is hit and miss and I am drunk.

I am not willing to put all that much thought into it and why I find funny or worth posting now, may not be funny or worth reading in an hour.

This is DrunkenStepfather.

Send me naked pictures of your sisters, girlfriends, mothers and friends.

I get lonely typing blogs and need jerk-off material, even though I am impotent.


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I am – Paige Davis’ Sex Tape

Paige Davis from Trading Spaces has a sex tape. It is floating around, and I can’t deliver the goods. Rumor is that that cunt Ty has an appearance where he delivers a fantastic facial, but not the porno kind….come on… we all know you’re a little limp in the wrist Ty….

The reviews are here

The pictures may come in the next few days, I am waiting for Paige to get off her fat ass and out to the photo store to pick them up..get it, i just pretended Paige was my bitch…that was funny.

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