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stepLINKS of the Day

Divided and conquered, brainwashed, not free… I’m out here expecting a Zombie Apocalypse thinking of all the wrong turns I took, because DrunkenStepfather should be a streaming platform…not this bootleg shit…and I should be on the other side of the equation…private jets and private Islands…OOOOOOPS….. I find it interesting that I am reading things about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

And that’s a fucking wrap….at least for the weekend, unless I choose to not come back on Monday…by force or by personal choice….Only time will tell. I realize that no one actually cares about any of this, they are onto other shit, they just know what they’re told and that’s good enough, let’s get back […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What’s up MINGLE MAMAS…. So much going on, I know we don’t care about politicians, their lies, or any of that…we’re here for the tits…but I did find it funny to see the Gonzo from the new Muppet show come out as Gonzorella, a drag queen or a trans….perfect for kids to get inspired….because Gonzo […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I heard that New York requires proof of vaccination to get into private businesses, which sounds illegal, maybe like segregation….a little Fascist maybe….all when the vaccine is still an experimental shot… I probably shouldn’t write about these things, you know black vans are on their way… This is clearly evidence that we are too far […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I remember a time when hot chicks didn’t need to post on social media for attention cuz they were hot….I am sure I’ve written about this, assuming you consider this writing, not that you’re reading this, maybe I should record myself reading it, some Mr Rogers shit…anyway…hot chicks were busy being hot, cool people were […]




stepLINKS of the Day

THE BOT HAS DETERMINED I AM A BOT…I don’t know what that says about the future, but I was flagged a robot who is displaying bot like behavior, knowing I was flagged by a bot for having bot like behavior….bots aren’t good at determinging bots…but in their defence I wish I was a bot, because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Hey There COVID Long Haulers….I wrote about this earlier, but I’ve met two and neither ever tested positive…sounds SUSPICIOUS… I don’t use social media, because I hate how uptight and irritating everyone is, but I wonder what the level of outrage is that COSBY war released..,I don’t actually care, or even wonder, because I know […]




Lottie Moss Got Ass of the Day

Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss and I’m not even convinced they’ve ever met, I just assume that Lottie rode the last name as hard as she fucking could to get relevant, on reality shows, maybe some brand deals, I mean her sister is Kate Moss, a high end fashion icon who dated important fucking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Did you see this Britney Spears shit, can you believe that these handler motherfuckers are abusing the fuck out of her in plain site and all her fans only realized this last year….I fucking hope that Britney gets the freedom she should have always had…these fuckers have fucked with her and they’re her own family….don’t […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I like to remind you all that you are the 99% of the population and that you shouldn’t let yourself get bullied on any level from the evil corporations that run the world. It’s something no one seems to notice or care because they are too busy with the selfies, but you have a lot […]