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stepLINKS of the Day

My favorite thing about the MeToo Movement is when I see the friends about the sucker being accused turn their backs on him and cut ties…when for 8-10 years it was totally normally behavior…where’s the brotherhood….doesn’t exist…and we’re talking band members kicking out the homies instead of calling out the sluts for being sluts…GROUPIE shit….it’s […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

You have to assume that the influencer movement was an intelligence initiative to train retards into following other retards who just happen to be smarter retards because they can monetize their retard shit while inflating their retard egos and fueling their retard narcissism….getting those retards addicted to the lifestyle and the money and since they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Does anyone blame circumcision for gender dysmorphia, you know your parents cutting off your dick sleeve….where you always felt if you still had it, you’d be more substantial of a man, so now you want to just cut the whole thing off…you know and invert it…and let other men stick their dicks in your weirdly […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If I had one tip of advice for you, use the internet for its sole purpose….to look at titties…because all these conversations hitting us at every angle about nonsense that doesn’t effect or affect or I-Fect or INFECT our daily lives is just a fucking downer… Think about your failures, like not getting into Bitcoin […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Good thing no one reads this site….so they don’t hear me when I say don’t trust the internet and turn off the internet because it is just the internet….because if they did read the site they’d ignore my advice to turn off the internet because they’d want to come back for my witty and genius […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s international trans daylight savings time or some shit today….which should make you feel good about your micro penis, your inny not outtie, because you can finally embrace living a life as a man despite having what are arguably female genitals well before this trans thing became trendy….even though you’ve just always identified as a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What is everyone on the internet mad about today? I know that there was some outrage about the drunk girls crying rape law being passed…which I would argue is an amazing law…because it holds people accountable for their actions. It’s not to say drunk girls can’t get raped anymore, or that you have a pass […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t care about the Royals, but I just saw something that said that the Royals denying being racists are just doing a performance….but to those people Markle saying the Royals are racists is NOT a performance piece…I mean you can’t just pick a side and assume the other is a fucking liar…NOT THAT I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was rejected from an advertising network….a porn advertising network…because motherfucker needs to pay the costs of running a site over here….and the reason for the rejection was “Incest Porn”…. For the record, when I started the site, the top videos on the pornotubes were not stepfatehr porn, that’s a more RECENT happening that has […]




Elsa Pataky Got her Tits Out at a Photoshoot of the Day

Chris Hemsworth’s wife and baby momma, who I guess was also Miley’s sister in law, because she was married to a Hemsworth, and everything goes back to Miley, she’s the KEVIN BACON of her generation, SIX DEGREES OF MILEY CYRUS…our reference point for all things pop culture….all started when we first saw her vagina when […]