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stepLINKS of the Day

I just spent an hour explaining to a really disgusting girl on tinder that she’s not allowed to give me attitude because she gets tons of dudes who would fuck anything to fuck her on tinder…and that different dude every day doesn’t mean she’s a hot commodity…but it makes her think she is…she’s still the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

According to this pic, Side boob is not as good as underboob…and it is definitely not as good as the girl in running gear buying ice cream at the grocery store, a place I like to creep on single woman…I mean if more people who were buying ice cream looked like that…I’d actually like wife […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Everyday not only do I have to live with myself…a horrible fate for even the most horrible person…but I also have to tell myself that I am a grown ass man, yet I have a blog, am I sure I am not a 13 year old girl…and the answer is…I’m not sure… Here are some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like clueless girls who claim they’ve never sent or taken a nude picture because it won’t go well with their career, or their degree, or their dad’s… It’s not the 90s anymore fool, titty pics aren’t going to ruin any future career, if anything it will pave the way for more opportunity… Not to […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the DAy

RIP Dov Charney as CEO of American Apparel… If you’re wondering why I’m starting late today, it’s because I like to think I’ve just been hired as the new CEO of American Apparel, since the fired our Homie Dov… I figure it’s a good way to get girls to masturbate for me….yes, we’ll use you […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I got this pic of Miss Marlee Rae ….and it is amazing… I also got this email: Subject: Hot Tips : Celeb worn panties Where would I find a website of celeb worn panties and porn stars too? I am more interested in celebs as I LOVE DAKOTAH FANNING and would LOVE to smell […]




Demi Lovato’s Instagram Bikini Pic of the Day

Someone told me that when Demi Lovato had her breakdown a few years back, it was because Miley Cyrus was tormenting her from her Disney mansion when bored and unable to leave the house due to fame… The rumor is that she was hanging a sex video they had filmed together over Demi Lovato’s head, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Today I learned a couple valuable lessons…be careful what you ask for, or wish for, because when you think you’ve seen everything…you haven’t…there’s a whole underbelly of weirdness you haven’t even touched…and the desensitized, dead soul you once had wakes up says “no dude, I’m still here, that she was gross as fuck”… Today…my wife […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls have it so easy..they always get what they want and even the fattest of chicks can monetize sex… The only thing I’ve ever got from sex was herpes, a few headaches, and even beat the fuck up by her husband…but never money or Here are some stepLINKS… Today in Huge Fucking Tits! GO Doogie […]




stepLINKS of the Day

stepGIRL of the day is Mina Stefan Book of the day is the Kendall Jenner biography I picked up: Email of the Day is from some clown phoney photographer who takes nude pics of girls but thinks I’m the fucking creep for posting them…and promoting his lame ass on the most important fashion blog on […]