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stepLINKS of the Day

A Turkish man telling me about how he lost his virginity to a Donkey…then going on to explain why it was the best sex of his life…was funny but it would have been better timed…if he wasn’t masturbating on a park bench while I was walking the dog…with a girl I am trying to fuck… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

TINDER Fucks up the dynamic of society as a whole…it is a place where fat girls you would normally need to be drunk and find scraggling around the bar to fuck…use it to get fucked…and they get fucked…by normal dudes who just have nothing better to do.. So these fat girls who are supposed to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think I got a stripper pregnant….at leas you’d think that with the amount of money I threw at her…shit felt like Child Support…not that I’d ever pay child support – that shit is for fuckicking suckers… The good news, is that it was my rich friend’s money…I don’t have the resources for that… Here […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

A site I’ve worked with since 2010, suddenly stopped linking me after 4 years, without telling me, because I guess they wanted every last click I could send before realizing all all because I post fashion nudity….and all of a sudden I am too hardcore, even though I haven’t been too hardcore for 4 years […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I didn’t realize how desensitized I was, until earlier today, when I saw some hot babe crackhead convulsing in a pair of short shorts, and I pointed to my friend and said “you’d totally fuck that wouldn’t you”…not even thinking to ask her if she’s ok, or to pull out my camera to take […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Social media is so policed…what used to be generating content and having a good time on the internet. Has become…worse than holding a low level position at an office job. Checks and balances and no freedom as they try to condition you to fit their mould of what right is wrong – even though they […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I was in Walmart, I know, depressing as fuck right, but I had to get my wife a shitty under 5 dollar gift with her money – to make her think she matters on Mother’s Day. I’m nice like that. I saw a guy there, we was walking around aimlessly, before a clerk asked him […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s mother’s day and all I have to say about that is Single Mom’s need stepdads – so I’m gonna be busy…but more importantly…single mom’s who have had their babies taken away from them for being drug addict, drunk, irresponsible women with also be out..sad…and alone…I’m gonna be busy… Here are some stepLINKS… Mila Kunis […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here’s a stepGIRL in some AKOMPLICE CLOTHING to remind you that doing laundry can be fun…shot by our resident photog Julien Archambault … You look at that while I look for girls who don’t wash clothes or shower, because they are too busy begging for change, doing drugs and being all affordable, hungry, with very […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s always tragic when the girl you’ve been sexting the last 5 months – accidentally sends you a mid sext sext – even though you haven’t been sexing her that day – meaning she’s sexting someone else and cheating on you….even though you’ve never met… It would make me sad, if I had a soul… […]