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stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know if it’s an American thing, where everyone is so fucking money obsessed, and everyone loves bragging about money, and everyone’s got their price to get that money….which usually isn’t even that high… So all these women are willing to do crazy bottom feeding shit for money….you know shit they shouldn’t be proud […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If any of you became millionaires on the gamestop stock that went from 2 dollars to 200 dollars or whatever, feel free to use some of that money to invest in me. I don’t have any business ventures and there will be no ROI, but I figure sending me money could be a charitable donation […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not an elitist hipster, but I will say that since the internet has gone mainstream, basically becoming a chatroom for all the MTV watchers of yesteryear, you know POP MUSIC listeners…it’s really become shit.. Even though they are slutty, they get naked cuz it is trendy, and they try to be edgy and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If You can Get your government to buy you tits..you should do it…. Speaking of tits…I just saw some videos of girls getting pissed on, fucked, cummed on and in various states of group sex on twitter, glad they’re cleaning things up….not that I have twitter… Then 3 escort accounts added me on Facebook…with “CLICK […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember, we live in a world where they convinced you all that Justin Bieber eats his burriots horizontally, all because someone said it was Justin Bieber and the BIG journalists of our time and the BIG publishers of our time just went with it…I mean why not go along with the story, instead of debunking […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I hope you spent your night watching slutty HOLISTIC and WELLNESS influencers tell you how to live your life better by eating organic, meditating, and being mindful and other bullshit, while rocking a plastic muppet face and some fake tits…whole likely does blow with all her influencer money…which is OK, since it comes from a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent the better part of the weekend looking at breast augmentation before and after pics to brush up my skills on modern implant technologies to see how fake tits are being improved now that everyone is getting plastic surgery to live up to their instagrams….I didn’t learn much but that fake tits suck less […]




stepLINKS of the Day

May there be Champagne Enemas for all this Glorious New Year’s Eve….I’m already drunk. I love everyone writing about how challenging 2020 was, with all the pandemics and bullshit, but the reality is, people fucking loved it…they loved the laziness, the dramatics, the excitement, the uncertainty, the staying the fuck home and not seeing people, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here are some stepLINKS… I realize it is the Holidays, but what the fuck else am I going to do but update this bullshit….I took Friday off which was my first Monday-Friday day I’ve taken off in years, which is amazing considering I am a low life degenerate procrstinator who can’t get anything done…..I am […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Trimming the tree like you trim pussy…not very well…not that I’d ever encourage anyone to trim their pussy because life is about turning your pussy into a soft cloud like pillow for men to fantasize about falling asleep on….I am a bush activist….and think dudes who cry for bald pussy not real men since they […]