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stepLINKS of the Day

My two exchanges on social media were about Ron Jermey and Gone with the Wind. First, The Ron Jeremy thing….he was a dude who hit his peak of celebrity for being a slimy pornstar they compared to a hedgehog. He was a novelty that everyone exploited, a joke or a punchline. He played up the […]




All the Tits Out for AIDS at the Amfar Gala of the Day

I thought AIDS wasn’t a death sentence anymore. All the queers on the queer dating apps you lurk on because you’re bored of pussy after all that porn, marriage, failed relationships and ready to dive into the inner faggot you’ve always known you were are on PREP, some AIDS cocktail drug they all take daily […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I used to go to parties, go to clubs, go to strippers, end up in weird situations with weird people but now I just go to the grocery store. That’s my party since everything I need is on a screen, I have no FOMO and I am not interested in conversing with the new generation, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The Gwyneth Paltrow vagina scented candle story is one of the more annoying viral stories….about how the “mainstream” and “porn fetish” sites are one in the same, but for some reason the porn fetish sites are looked down upon, but the Gwyneth Paltrow sites make tens of millions of dollars a month…. The Meghan Markle […]




stepLINKS of the Day

On this memorial day…. I want you to remember that Instagram is just one big infomercial. All posts are girls trying to sell you shit. Like a bad late night infomercial…over and over and over…only less creative and strategic… I guess kids like to watch ads, think it’s cool, cuz they are so brain washed […]




Sports Illustrated Nonsense of the Day

Why would a sports magazine encourage fat chicks to be fat? They should focus on Athletes, fat is unhealthy as fuck….it would make more sense to go body positive with chicks in shape, not fucking pig women with their guts hanging out… I don’t need to see chicks who look like me in bikinis…. Then […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I think society is designed pretty silly, where people spend a lifetime working, to make money, to buy things, to spend their retirement talking about who they will give their things to when they die…hoping their kids don’t fight over their assets like the greedy pigs they are…since nothing is ever enough…. I always thought […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Someone sent me a pic of Cara Delevingne wearing a PEG THE PATRIARCHY shirt, which I guess was code for Fuck the Patriarchy up the ass with a strap on, which could be offensive to some people as it seems to be posturing pegging as a bad thing, or something reserved for BETA males who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am perpetuating fake news here because I only read headlines, I am not very credible, half the shit I say is a joke or a lie, so this MAY be fake news but I saw that NYC mayor wants to make hurtful comments criminal or something you can be fined for, which means you […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Changing the site name from DrunkenStepfather to DrunkenSpeculum…or DrunkenStrepfather….or DrunkenStockBroker….because the stepfather thing with all these stepfather porn makes people think I am some dirty stepfather…sure, I am a pervert…but not that kind of pervert…because they were molested by their stepfather…I don’t know…but it’s not MY truth…not MY vision….they’ve WRONGFULLY labeled me…DISCRIMINATION….they have “Victims of […]