Miley Cyrus and her sister wrestling isn’t really erotic, but anyone who has ever fucked a girl with a sister will know that wanting to fuck the sister is a serious thing…it’s like “why did I end up with this one”…or if you’re lucky you’re like “I wonder if their pussies are the same and is it cheating if they are, not that I care about cheating, but it’s nice to know what you’ve got yourself into”….sister fetish….totally normal..but I don’t think her sister is 18 year and I don’t think this is hot because they aren’t lathered up in motor oil, or pig fat from their farm….but it is a reminder that Miley still exists and when she’s not putting on a bullshit show, or touring she’s fucking dull..
Miley was in a bikini over the weekend…but it was boring….but here it is anyway..
Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW|Videos