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Archive for the Bar Refaeli Category




Bar Refaeli in a Bikini on a Yacht in a Bikini on a Yacht of the Day

Bar Refaeli is boating…and while boating…she is using the oldest confidence booster in the game…featuring a busted up broken down girl who makes Bar, who is no longer really relevant anymore, feel hot as fuck.

You see it is not that Bar isn’t still hot, or that her tits are now something I wouldn’t want to play grabbing tits with, it is to say that she’s not as relevant, and she might as well be ugly, because that’s how she feels on the inside no matter how much she pretends she doesn’t…she can smile and act like the ultimate bikini babe…she can even count her money for reassurance…but it’s way easier to just pose in pics with a gremlin…

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli For Elle Spain August of the Day

I spoke too soon, apparently Bar Refaeli isn’t old as fuck, irrelevant as fuck, riding her fame that she got from being associated with Victoria’s Secret and Leonardo’s cock into the sunset…

Apparently, she’s still getting work, this time for Elle Spain’s August issue, where such exciting things happen as her wearing shorts and what may be a bra…fun.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Kisses Girls on Instagram of the Day

What a lesbian…and by lesbian I mean model who is falling off thanks to being old, not having an A-List boyfriend, living in the middle east…you know rich enough to support herself the rest of her life without all the hard work of sitting around a set having people take pics of her…looking for a little attention…

This is like 2 fat chicks at a club going at it, hoping to get the guys to look at them, rather than the hot girls dancing it short skirts..

It’s a pretty low level tactic to get noticed, but also one I approve of, along with Sex Tapes, Vagina Shots, Titty Pics, Drug Overdoses…I mean anything that makes anyone a little more interesting. Even if it is just for a minute

Here’s a bonus video of her working out…to start your day…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refeali Twitter Round-Up of the Day

Bar Refaeli is older, bigger, a little more irrelevant than she used to be, partially because she lives in Tel Aviv and turned her back on the modelling world when Leonardo DiCaprio turned his back on her, and not in a “I’m a male actor, it’s a pretty gay existence, all I do is look in the mirror and talk to myself making faces like a 5 year old with no friends, obsessing over my looks and whether people like me, or if I sound silly saying this line, or whether my hair looked better in Titanic or now”…kind of stick that huge black dildo in me and tell me I’m handsome way, but in a “bitch, you’re high maintenance, I got line-ups of women” kind of way…and partially because getting older, fatter and more irrelevant is kinda what happens to girls…but she does a pretty good job on her instagram..and here is a round-up of some of her pics.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli for Fox of the Day

It is safe to say that this is the worst shoot ever.

I mean they hired Bar Refaeli, who despite being on the tail end of her career and looks, is still Bar Refaeli and probably charging more than she did at her peak, you know how these old timers in retirement do things, you gotta make it worth their while to get them out of the house, leaving no budget for a photographer, so either a friend of the family with a good camera was brought in, or they borrowed the studio at SEARS cuz they know the manager and he let them in after hours, and whatever it is, it’s a waste of Bar Refaeli tits, even if the milk in them expired back when Leonardo DiCaprio was done with her….

That said, every pic from this set makes me laugh.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Does Instagram of the Day

I wonder if Bar Refaeli’s mortgage payment is coming up, or maybe she’s making a big purchase, or maybe she just wants to see her bank account a little more substantial…or maybe she’s just feeling a little insecure and in need of a little attention..because she’s been aggressively posting bikini pics to the internet and I mean that’s kinda what all the ratchets do…eager for LIKES…

I’m not complaining, even if I find her a little plus sized, I’m just curious what she has up her sleeve, what’s all this scheming, but not that curious, because in less than 5 minutes, I will forget I posted this, because guess what, it really doesn’t fucking matter because she doesn’t matter.She’s a bikini model, she’s old, she’s not even American and doesn’t even live in America and there are so many other breasts out there to replace hers…welt’s focus on those.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Modeling Passionata Lingerie of the Day

Bar Refaeli works. Or at least apparently she’s still getting half naked for money, this time for Passionata, the brand she is the body for, and has been the body for since Victoria’s Secret fired her for being too fat.

I just assumed she was retired, you know moved back to Israel to get married and make babies like most Jewish girls who turn 30, with some local Jewish millionaire, because she’s already done the non-Jewish A-listers, that phase is behind her and now she can settle down with people of her own culture, but unlike Paula Deen, she won’t be called Racist for insisting on marrying her own religion, even though that’s exactly what it is…because last time I checked we are all God’s children. We are all one race…the Human Race…and her is Bar Rafeali showing us her tits a little better at being human than so many girls I’ve fucked, so good she gets paid for it.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Does Instagram in a Bikini of the Day

I am pretty sure that Bar Refaeli has pretty much retired because I haven’t seen her in anything, she’s living back in Israel, and like a lot of Jewish girls, or really girls in general, she’s 30, and that’s marriage and baby making time…her 20s were about making her millions, she’s invested that shit into her own bikini line, and now, she’s saving the bikini pics for her social media, because she lives in a perpetual summer, and really posing in bikinis is all she fucking knows…thank god for that…

Now I don’t think she’s the greatest, if anything I find her big, but she’s still some busty model who fucked A-listers in the past, and I guess that means she matters enough for me…

In all honestly, she had me at “I have a vagina”…like all girls do…it’s a bit of a problem.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Taking a Piss of the Day

Look at Bar Refaeli being funny.

I guess it’s her Jewish sense of Comedy….

You know, a real Gary Shandling or Mel Brooks, Joan Rivers or Groucho Marx, Billy Crystal or Jackie Mason, Gilda Radner or Bette Midler, Woody Allen or Adam Sandler, Seinfeld or Larry David, Gilfred Godfrey or Bob Sagget, you get what I am saying here, Jewish people are funny, but for some reason, this joke is less about making me laugh and more about being totally erotic.

Anything that involves a bitch in a men’s washroom at a bar or club, whether she’s getting gang banged, or throat fucked, or simulating pissing in a urinal or actually pissing in a urinal, excites me, but then again, sluts excite me, especially when pissing even if they pretend it’s squirt, like the old lady I saw in slutty clothes with a wet spot on her skirt the other day, now I don’t like old ladies, but I do like leaks in their vagina area.

Here’s a thick bitch clowning…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli in a Bikini for her Birthday of the Day

Bar Refaeli has falling off. Here she is celebrating her birthday for social media looking like she’s another year older, because not all girls are made equally and that applies to models to.

You see, there are some, like Cindy Crawford and Helena Christensen who just rock through their 50s, and still have that look that can stop a motherfucker in their tracks, thinking to themselves, what the fuck, they really make women like this, I thought it was a lie…

While there are others, like Bar Refaeli, who had a good run, made good money, but it’s time to quit the gym, take on the hard drinking, eating and cocaine, because in Israel, she’ll always been Bar Refaeli, even when she turns into an old, fat Jewish Bubby.

The good news, if you care about Bar Refaeli and her A-List hooking, is that despite looking a little soft in the mid-line, she’s still Bar Refaeli, and has always been overhyped and a little oversized, so these bikini pics, probably won’t offend you as much as they offend me.

I guess I have high expectations for Bikini models I don’t pay to model bikinis, but sit on the side lines and judge in their bikinis, cuz being on the beach all day yesterday, I realize, there’s girls who aren’t models, with better bodies than the models you all lust after. Explain that.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli