I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Ranae Shrider Category




Mini Me’s Sex Tape Fame Whore Gets Naked of the Day

So you all know this jew who fame whored her way into the spotlight by fucking Mini Me on camera and leaking the tape to get some attention because he was the only celebrity to give her the time of day since he’s a dwarf and doesn’t have very high standards.

Well, after realizing that her strategy to get famous didn’t have the anticipated results, she did what any fame whore would do and hired a photographer to take some nude pictures and a manager and legal team to draft a letter directed at Hugh Hefner, in hopes of getting a Playboy gig.

I didn’t go through any of this because I seriously don’t give a fuck about her, or her attempts at getting famous, if anything, I hate her for it and despite liking girls with no self respect who use sacrifice their pussies by doing really disgusting things, I don’t like seeing handicapped people being taken for a ride, seriously. Especially when they are ugly.

I did get this almost topless picture of her, so figured I’d post it regardless of my hatred of her, because I get easily blinded by nipples.

If you want to read the letter to Playboy

Here’s another one where she looks much hotter.

Posted in:Fame Whore|Jew|Mini Me|Naked|Ranae Shrider|Sex Tape|Slut