I'll Make You Famous…




I am – all for sexual favors

its me again
your magical momma minx
i know, you are not ready for a woman just yet
you are still getting over being touched in special places by your daddies
but i will coach you through.
to ensure you understand where i am coming from, and how i know the same has happened to you, i will tell another story, a sweet memory from my childhood, a magical moment with minx.

in my old high school, the cleaning staff were all from mexico. we all know how weak my weakness is for mexicans so it was no grand surprise to anyone the day jose left me a broom in my locker for my own enjoyment, and i did nothing but giggle for an entire hour as i came four times as we fucked like rabid rabbits in one of the french rooms, bent over the desk with his hand on my back and my kilt rolled up and my knee highs still on. when i had to go back to class all i could think about was that hot broom. i wanted it so bad i remember excusing myself to go to the bathroom and instead going at it untill my fingers were to sore to continue shoving the broom stick in and out in and out in and out in and out. jose must have come by and smelt it after i had gone back to class, because when i went back to the lockeroom after school, we was standing the naked except for a yellow bucket hanging off his rock hard dong. sadly, our fiascos ended one day when i realised cleaning crews no longer did it for me and the assembly line of mexican men with brooms, sombreros and dongs awaiting stopped making me soak through my panties, i went on to better things. mainly, construction workers. i never truly did get over how sexy a man looked with only a pail between him and being inside of me.

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