I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Gunther von Hagens

Ahhh those whacky Germans… Gunther von Hagen here takes real human bodies and to plasticise them. He then strips them of their skin, removing or flaying muscles, exposing bits of brain…he makes them play chess, he makes them play basket ball or ride horsies.. god only knows what his mother did to him, oh wait, I forgot, he’s German. And on top of it all he looks like he’s dressed for the SS reunion tour.. more after the jump…

Although all this was originally done for educational purposes, there has of course been no lack of controversy: von Hagen has been accused of using executed chinese prisoners, and has carried out a public autopsy (illegal in the UK). Oh, and of course those fun loving Christians got their shit stained panties all in knots. In any case, having attracted some 8 million people since it began in 1995, and having in excess of 4,500 people waiting to “donate”, BODY WORKS has not only made Gunther an art celebrity but also a multi millionaire (he invented and patented the plasticisation process).
If you would like to donate your body (after you die of course) you can contact the good Doctor through his web site HERE
I think he needs fat people… I didn’t see any pictures of them.
If you are lucky enough to live in California (you live on a fault line), the exhibit is at the California Science centre for a few more days. It then moves on to Chicago and Los Angeles.

(note: as of mid 2004 von hagens had been cleared of the chinese body thingy, and simultaneously of tax evasion. According to the BBC it was Munich city council that attempted to ban the show, a decision that was overturned by a higher court. Von Hagens was in trouble for calling himself “Professor”, a title obtained in China and not Germany, thus problematic (for the Germans at least))

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