I'll Make You Famous…




I am – clothes off my ridiculously large back….

Clothes Off Our Back is a charity where celebs donate clothes they wore to award shows, auction them off and donate the money to Tsunami. I was going through the selection of designer goods available and only one struck a chord. It was Star Jones’ Kevan Hall Golden Globe gown.

I do not have an affinity for women’s clothing, although I do look really pretty in pantyhose. I was just thinking about putting a bid on this acution because I think my fridge would look great in it, and it’s about the right size. A fridge in a dress is a much hotter thing than you.

Other uses for this gown could include, sofa slip cover, a duvet bag, a sail for a small boat, a tent for the camp ground or for a party.

I am sure you can think of your own things to do with yards and yards of fabric..including making it the biggest cum rag of all time, cut it up and make clothes for the whole family, donate it to directly to the tsunami cause, to house the people who have lost their homes. I feel like I am getting repetitive.

Check out the auction here

It’s a good cause and if you are lucky it will still stink of Star in all the right places, or maybe it will be soiled with food that she fell off her spoon and she shoveled it into her fat face.

Was that mean??

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