I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Drunken Stepfather Contest

So we decided to have a competition here at DrunkenStepfather.com that has no prize at this point in time, but we will think of one, provided you win.

Full details after the jump.

The contest is simple – you email this penis elargement site with an extravagent testimonial. If they put it up on the testimonial page, you win.

The site is MaxxLength

And some of the testimonials are:

“My wife has been there from the beginning, since I took my first Maxx Length pill. She wants me to stop when my penis reaches nine inches, but I’m not so sure.” – P. D’Angelo, Jericho, NY

“I used to be embarrassed in the locker room. But not any more. Since I began my Maxx Length regimen, I now hang out long and fat and thick. I am the envy of other men. My life has changed.”
– B. Sommers, York, PA

“Thank you guys for what you did for my boyfriend (and me). His erections are bigger and better than ever before. He delivers the goods every time. Our sex life has never been better.” – M. Cook,Torrance, CA

I don’t know the legal implications of doing this, so if you hate us (joggingslut) you can participate too, as it may get us in trouble!

email this address from this link, it automatically BCCs us, so we know you’re legit.

Enter Contest

LOVE the DrunkenStepfather crew..

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