I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Fleshlight Post of the Day

You know your life sucks when you resort to a rubber vagina to get off. That usually means standard masturbation has become dull and you have no pussy lined up, and you probably never will. You know that it’s time to reconsider your life strategy when you purchase one of these bad boys and you know it may be time to end your life when you develop a love affair with it. When you stop wanting to meet girls, When your room smells like fleshlight, it’s probably time to join a support group and I am not talking the fleshlight discussion board…I am talking about something a little more serious….

That being said – here’s our fleshlight post of the day:

For a quite some time I have been using sauve profeesionals Humectant conditioner in my ST butt insert. It works great, and stays slick for the entire experience (somtimes anyway!). The only problem is the smell of it, at first I did’nt mind it but now I cant stand it. I keep the Fl in my room; consequently, my whole room smells like the coditioner and I cant stand it. Does anyone use a conditioner that is pleasent smelling? I definatly need somthing else.

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