I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Ashlee Simpson’s Underwear

I first heard about these Simpson girls back in Texas. Their dad Joe was the local preacher at my church and he used to invite the congregation to his office where he would get his young daughters to dance around naked. He was always quite impressed with the way Jessica’s tits were coming in. He told us that we could bet our bottom dollar she’s be stacked like a bison. I just thought to myself that this texan’s got issues, but what happens in Waco stays in Waco, except for maybe the whole David Coresh thing, that was pretty global….I never really met their dad, my story was a lie but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was something that Joe pervert would do. Luckily for us, we can all be perverts today cuz Ashlee’s dress is nice and see-through….I think she knows it too, that slut….

Via Otty

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