I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Coleslaw Wrestling at Biker Week

I have an unhealthy love for two things in life, coleslaw and women. I spent a couple of months a few years ago, living off coleslaw, and I have been into vagina for as long as I can remember. I am happy that someone took my two passions and threw them into a kiddie pool to make my dreams come true. I remember buying a vat of coleslaw from the local bulk food store and thinking to myself, if only I had a couple girls to wrestle in this shit….the sweet smell of vinegar all over their bodies. These pictures are from a Biker Week event somewhere and the women are wrestling in coleslaw. I would love to get in that shit with a fork and start eating, I would hate to see all that good coleslaw go to waste…

Check the pics here

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