I'll Make You Famous…




i am-attempting to stop using boys for sex

Last night i sniffed four keys of cocaine with a man i had just met who is ten years older than me. on the way there, i passed this guy who used to eat me out and i almost stayed to see how he was doing. a week before that i called up the man i lost my virginity to and apologized for being a bitch to him. a few days after that, i responded to a text message from this kid who used me for fantastic blowjobs for god knows how many months.

More of Minxy Winxy Pudding + Pie After the Jump.

tonight i get a call from this guy who i thought for the longest time, and still think from time to time, i am in love with. the reason why i depend on these social rejects is because i need them to fuck me. if i could fuck myself, and get myself to orgasm so hard that i am smiling for hours afterwards, i am sure that i would not put up with half the bullshit that i do. so i subjected myself to an experiment. stick with a “good guy”, dont use him for sex, and see where it takes you. we went for dinner and clubbing for a while, and i refused to kiss him. i dont see him for a couple of months and all of a sudden i am leaning against this caramel satin wall and he is in between my legs lapping like a fucking puppy. then i want penetration so i’m moaning and he’s fucking pounding and im scratching him and biting the shit out of his neck and chest. the point of the story is this: don’t fucking think you can use us women. don’t think this because we are usually a few steps ahead, and if you are thinking of using us, chances are we’ve been using you for a while. no car or money you say? that does not mean your tongue, fingers and cock have no technique. if your tongue fingers and cock have no technique, chances are we are getting bomb sex from your father, or mother depending on our interests at this point. HOWEVER, there are men that i have not used, that i’ve enjoyed merely hanging out with and talking about the multiple joys of say..independant films and sunrises. BUT at the end of those relationships, we still fucking hate each other and there even was a time when i threw alcohol on one of my ex’s and lit a match. this ex, by the way bought me cartier for my birthday and took me out every weekend and payed for my cab rides whenever i needed one and for food, at all times. so in conclusion; one-most of us arent as braindead as you think two-if we all stop using each other the world would be a better place and poverty would not exist three-if “using” must occur, have fun and try not to burn anyone four-tell your father thanks for the birthday gift, it goes great with the agent provocateur set he bought me on your mothers birthday.

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