I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lindsay Lohan Bikini

Bitch is still too fat for my liking. She may have got her shit together, and dropped 20 pounds, but I think she’s still disgustingly fat. Look at her thunderous thighs, I guess that’s just the way she happens, you work towards a good thing and you end up losing all your tits, losing your birthing hips, and keeping your fat fucking thighs. I guess the only thing for Lohan to do, is to keep up with the program, continue smoking crystal meth out of a lightbulb and fucking get squating. I remember when my wife went on a cabbage diet, it was supposed to drop 20 of the 100 excess pounds she’s packing. All she ate was steamed cabbage. The outcome was not so good, she gained 10 pounds and stank like a concentration camp. Point of the post is to say that not all diets work and that there are more Lohan fat bikini pics after the jump.

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