I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Jaime Lynn Spears Breasts

I am keeping this shit classy with the underage girls today. It’s a great way to get the FBI on my ass for an investigation, it’s okay, I am always looking for new friends, and the interrogation room is a lot like a speed dating session, or the opening scene of a porno movie, and I love feeling glamorous like one of the actors in the opening scene of a porno, but that’s not the point. The point is that I do not even like underage bitches, even when they have more money than me or a knocked up sister. I like to stick with the over 20 crowd, usually pretty down on their luck and desperate for a home cooked dinner and shower, that’s what happens when you hang at the homeless shelter, lots of prospects, not that you would know hiding fromt he world in your your lonely, one room apartment that you haven’t left for 6 days, used up kleenex scattered across the floor with the smell of fresh feces eminating from your pants, only because you are too much of a slob to get up and shit….again not the point. The point is that either Jamie Lynn has hit puberty, bitch is getting fat, or is pregnant with K-Fed’s baby, cuz she’s getting titties and she’s not ashamed to show them….she’s not really a looker so when her career fizzles up and dies, and her money’s spent on a brand new trailer for her family of 10, I will definitely approach her to star in one of my movies. Get this, the opening scene takes place in an FBI interrogation room. That’s a book ending bitch. Look it up.

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