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I am – Salma Hayek’s Lesbian Driver

Lesbian’s are people too, not necessarily people I want to hang out with, cuz they hate my dick, but according to some human rights bullshit, they are allowed to live normal lives. Rumor is they dress like men, look like men and love eating pussy all fucking day. I guess that’s until it’s time to pay the bills, and that’s when lesbians are put to work, the fun can’t last forever you sexual deviant. So put on your combat boots, you baggy jeans and botton-up shirt, make sure your hair is nice and short, strap down your tits, as to not give any straight man the wrong idea, but keep your earings in to maintain a little feminity, get in your car, and drive Salma around, cuz Mister, you’re not only our lesbian, you’re also Salma Hayek’s Lesbian driver, and not only did Salma play a lesbian in that art movie, she also employs them in real life. I am sure it’s some work program shit, like Big Brothers of America, only for bull dykes. For the record, I have turned girl’s lesbian, but never turned lesbians from the ‘Giner.

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