I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Teri Hatcher Finally Happy

It’s funny what success does to someone. Her career was in the fucking gutter, something she was probably used to from her youth, I don’t know that for a fact, but can only assume she slept her way into an acting career, that’s pretty much how they all do it. Anyway, she landed this successful show, that is such manipulative crap that is designed for bored housewives, which there are apparantly a lot of out there, who wish that taking care of the kids consisted of hot teenage gardeners, audultery, birth control pill tampering, murder and all that shit, unfortunately for you, things like this will never happen in your life, you will just remain in your boring marriage with your boring husband, raising your ugly kids, and dying having never seen much more than florida…it’s called being average. Anyway, Teri turned her career around, is wanted by you, the public and now smiles in public, instead of bowing her head in shame. Let this be motivation for all of you losers sitting at your computers hating yourselves….there’s always hope to turn it all around, even if you are Teri Hatcher, and Teri, if you are reading this, and I know you are, because you are searching the internet for more praise and approval, my advice to you is to suck it all in, it won’t last forever, except maybe in WAX

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