I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Maternity Bra

I guess the major change pregnancy has had on Britney, other than condemning her with the worst STD Kevin Federline’s testicles could produce is the fact that she can’t walk around without a bra anymore. For the longest time I was a huge fan of no-bra behavior, but that shit ended quickly when I saw how Britney’s tits hung. The benefit of her pregnancy, is that her tits are gonna need to be covered up for a little while, and not with just any bra, we are talking about a maternity bra that’s padded so that she doesn’t lactate all over the place. I have yet to taste a woman’s breast milk, all the bitches I get with are infertile due to drug use and HPV. HPV fucks up reproduction, too bad Britney’s HPV wasn’t active when shit with Sean Preston went down. However, it still hasn’t been determined as to what retardation he’s got, and you can be pretty sure the motherfucker is autistic or some shit.

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