I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lollipop Sharing

Remember that whole sex tape scandal, where we were all invited into Paris Hilton’s hotel room to watch her get fucked like a corpse and suck dick like a school girl. Well it looks like Paris is passin’ the torch/lollipop onto some other bitch, but not for too long. like all spoiled cunts, they don’t know how to share. I remember growing up I’d go over to this white kid’s house. Dude had all the hottest toys of the time, we’d sit down to play his Atari and by we I mean him, everytime I’d take a turn he’d freak the fuck out and take that shit away from me. So it would be days of watching him play his fucking Atari while I snuck into his parent’s liquor cabinet and got drunk, either way Paris is that spoiled person, she can’t even give her fucking friend a lollipop without taking that shit back. If you really sat down and thought about it, sharing a lollipop with Paris is dangerous. That bitch doesn’t use condoms and we all saw her sucking off the crackhead’s dick. I have seen my share of crackhead cock, and dude – I am telling you – I wouldn’t be sharing a lollipop with this bitch.

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