I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Pamela David's Dress

I had no idea who this chick was, only cuz I am not good with names and because I think I may have a learning disability, but I eat great pussy, at least that’s what I tell the girls I lure in with my dead impotent cock. I guess at this point in time there’s really no point in even trying to cheat on my wife. It always ends in a floppy penised disaster. Anyway – Spyware motherfuckers raped my computer, like my friend once raped a street kid in an alley. He’s not my friend anymore and I still don’t know who this whore is. I do know she’s wearing that outfit on a TV show, so she’s gotta be European. I once had a dress like that. I wish I never grew out of it. It may me feel so desirable. This post makes no sense. I am gonna go pass the fuck out. PEACE.

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