I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Angelina Jolie Flys

She can fly planes and she eats pussy, adopts AIDS babies, wrecks homes and hates her dad. Is there anything this woman can’t do? I don’t know if flying a plane means a bitch is a lesbian, or if a bitch who adopts more babies than Rosie O’Donnel is a man-hating dyke…but I do remember when I used to hang out with a group of bull-dykes, the kind who used to shave their faces, trying to get more moustache than me, while wearing leather caps and cut off vests. They never let me fuck them, even though they liked me, it had to do with being molested and having mean male figures in their lives, but one night when we were all high on speed, they let me jerk off while they made out. That’s when I used to get boners.

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