I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Pearl Jam's New Album Cover


Looks like this cheap album cover was made by some drunken mexican design firm for 2 pesos and a pack of smokes. This low budget piece of shit album artwork is probably all this band can afford, being useless for the last 10 years has an impacr on what’s left in the bank account.

The reason I know it’s mexican-made is because of the avacado, we live off these things, because they grow for free in our backyards, and by backyard I mean, on the tree my shanty leans up against….the avacado is a very vaginal and I whenever I eat guacamole, I have this urge to fuck…the guacamole….Either way, I always forget that Pearl Jam is still alive. I have always had this fantasy that Cobain pulled a murder/suicide and brought the grunge scene down with him…I was unfortunately wrong….I am going to take a shit in my bathtub and roll around in it, just to wash the dirty off of me, and yes, my shit is cleaner than this shit….that may not make sense to you, but it does to me, so go fuck yourself. Cuddles.

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