I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Juggling Comedian….


Steve sent this to me, asked me to post it. I can only assume he’s got a thing for grey haired dudes playing with balls, it probably has something to do with a lack of attention he got in elementary school from the gym teacher. All the other boys were invited to the after class shower, and poor steve was left out. Ever since then….he’s never looked at a grey haired man who plays with balls quite the same….anyway, it’s a cool juggling routine, I guess, if juggling is your thing and you are into sychronized choreographed juggling dance routines. I think the real joke behind this post is that the guy juggling is a comedian and we all know he either learned how to juggle to make money on busking the street or in the subway stations to be able to afford the luxuries in life like a can of tomato soup and saltines on his road to stardom, if stardom to you means a perfomance on Jay Leno….or he learned how to juggle because he’s a comedian and they have a lot of spare time, you know contributing nothing to society takes little effort. I just watched the clip. I have enough trouble walking up my stairs without passing out, I don’t understand how this motherfucker’s doing this.

I have put way too much effort into this juggling post…thanks Steve, you prick, no one cares about juggling…

Watch Man Juggle Balls Here

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