I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Nicole Richie and AM Hug…Again…

They were all over each other all of last year, and it got boring fast. No one wants to watch people that are so in love with each other that they need to kiss on the lips and hug 1000 times a day. It makes you look like your parents never breast fed you or loved you when you were growing up you skinny slag. It makes you look like you need constant approval and like you are nothing more than an insecure slag. I wouldn’t normally call somone a slag, that’s not my style, but I feel for AM…the rest his life he’s gonna be forced to fuck the pussy that Steve O was inside. Now, I got nothing against Steve 0, he’s insane and does funny things, but if real celebrities don’t use condoms, and Steve O’s has obviously had some nasty “on the road pussy”. I feel like I can relate to AM’s situation, not because my girl cheated on me, people die cuz of that shit but there was this one chick….

This was YEARS AGO, I’m talking ’92 or someshit. So, I’m dating this girl and she’s not letting me in her pants, it was before I hit rock bottom and had a little respect. So I wined her and dined her a bit. She was hot, smart, going places, pretty much the hottest and cleanest white pussy I ever tasted, at least that’s what I thought. The night we were supposed to finally slam, the bitch drops a bomb that she’s only fucked 3 people in her life, which is fine with me, I don’t give a fuck at this point in time if this bitch had been with 200 dudes at once, 2 hours earlier, and hadn’t had a chance to shower, I’d still go down on her for an hour….anyway she finishes her story by telling me all 3 of the guys were black, and that I’d be her first non-black lover. So I did what any self respecting person would do, I got the fuck out of there as fast as I could, pulled a whack in my car and never spoke to the bitch again. It’s got nothing to do with being racist, this was 1992, 13 years before Grey’s Anatomy.

Good Story….

Check out Nicole’s Seventeen Magazine Photoshoot Here

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