I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Email of the Day


This is a picture I took while walking down the street drunk. I have no idea who the girls are but I do know that I told them I would make them famous and they yelled mean things back at me. I accidently only took the shot of their tits which is probably better for all of us, because they are probably really fucking ugly and we don’t need an ugly face to ruin a solid set of tits.

This is an Email I woke up to this afternoon. I am telling you that this shit works. Whenever I wear it the girls I meet either LOVE ME or HATE ME instead of ignore me.

Hi Jesus, you can post my message on your site, but please keep this shit anonymous:

That Pherlure cologne thing kinda worked for me. I’ve been on a pussy dry spell since I dumped my GF a few weeks ago. I had gone to a few clubs with no success. I’d try to hit on some girls, but it seems I had lost my touch from having been in a steady relationship for so long.

Then yesterday I went out with my friends, I had put on like one spray before leaving home, just to test it. I dunno if it was the confidence boost, or if the thing really works, but I danced and made out with 3 girls that night. I didn’t get laid but I have 2 phone numbers in my pocket this morning.

I’m probably gonna try it again tonight, I’ll keep you posted if anyone cares. I don’t have a camera, so forget about pictures. Anyways they don’t prove anything.

Call me L.

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