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I am – The Official Link Dump of the Day


Smoking is officially banned in the city I live in. No more smoking in bars. End of an era or some shit. I quit smoking 6 months ago. I am just one step ahead I guess. Speaking of smoking, I saw some crackhead with BBQ Tongs, a ziplock bag and a disgusting rash on his leg. He was collecting cigarette butts off the street. He had about 100…I guess one man’s trash is another man’s treasure or whatver the fucking expression is. The next freakshow I saw was topless in stripped bike shorts and a fanny pack carrying a bouquet of flowers and a top hat that said 2000 on it, I assume motherfucker went nuts at y2k and hasn’t looked back…..Last crazy bitch I saw today was walking around in rubber boots yelling at cars for polluting the world….and now for the link dump.

Amateur Porn Always Makes Me Happy (By Happy I mean Horny)

Paris Hilton’s STDs (Almost a Funny Joke from my new favorite Celeb Site)

The Hilton Family Rockin’ Out at a Madonna Party(money doesn’t mean class)

Farmer Sells Toilet Seat Paris Hilton’s Ass Was On

Pheromones Work – I have Proof – Get Pussy And Support this Site (Send In The Stories!)

Reese Witherspoon is Pregnant Again, Because She’s a Slut

I know this bitch Mia won’t fuck you, but maybe she’ll donate her egg to your infertile wife (VERY HOT)

Weird Midget Porn (Not Safe for Anywhere)

Robin Tunney’s Wearing A See-Through Top (who?)

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