I'll Make You Famous…




I am – stepMOVIES: John Carpenter


I don’t write this stuff, I don’t edit this stuff and I don’t watch movies. I can’t afford a DVD player or a TV, and when I used to rent movies, I’d never return them, and I’d get collection agencies on my ass. for the late fees, contributing to my bankruptcy. So I figure someone I’d let someone who likes movies write about them. For those of you who don’t remember, Selby is Grover stepMUSIC’s brother and is now the DrunkenStepfather.com Movie Editor. ENJOY.

Selby on Carpenter

If you’re down with good movies, then you’re down with horror and sci-fi, and if you’re down with horror and sci-fi movies, then you’re down with John Carpenter. If you are not down with J.C, then you are an idiot. If you are an idiot then you probably aren’t reading this, so you must be a J.C. Fan. Right?

I recommend his earlier work with Kurt Russell. J.C. and K.R. together is like movie heaven. Together the embody the energy of 2 “college” girls jumping on the trampoline in bathing suits. I am completely serious, don’t think that this is funny; no one can fuck with this combo.

Two J.C./K.R. movies are The Thing and Escape From New York, two great films with outstanding special effects. J.C. was a trailblazer in sci-fi/horror special effects and K.R. was a trailblazer in shit-kicking/beard wearing action. Get out and rent this shit.

Post Selby note: I recommend the following Carpenter films as well: Assault on Precinct 13 (1976 version), The Fog, Halloween, Christine, and Big Trouble in Little China. As for K.R., I recommend Captain Ron, Overboard, and Tango and Cash. Well, I really only recommend the J.C. films.

Grover’s Bonus mp3
Madonna – “I Love New York”

Bonus Pics – Kate Hudson at the MTV Movie Awards (She is K.R.’s Step Daughter)

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