I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lohan’s All Broken and Shit of the Day


Here are some pics of Lohan covering her broken wrist. I’d like to wish her a speedy recovery and to remember when jerking off herself or others, she can always rock the other hand. I have read a few articles on people with medical fetishes , there’s a whole community based on getting off to people in casts or on stretchers. Now, I know you can’t control what gives you a boner and I guess this shit is harmless in the grand scheme of thing, just don’t let your one night stand see the mock-doctor’s office that you’ve set up in your basement to live out the fantasy. I have a feeling that will not go over as well as you hope. I also realize that the chances of you being able to afford a medical table and equipment is about as likely as you being able to land a one night stand. That’s why I am not worried. Have you seen the movie Crash, about cops and car accidents that won an academy award while sucking my cock, I’m talking the other Crash that was about people who get off to cripples and accident victims. Well if that’s your fetish, a broken wrist to Lohan is like a head on collision, leaving you paralized to the avereage person. She’s over-dramatic like that.

Speaking of movies, I found this movie idea on my old hard drive. I am not going to lie, I have wanted to write a movie the last 10 years, and after reading this idea, you’ll realize why I am sitting in a shitty apartment writing this post and not the creepy dude next to Lohan in these pics.

Character driven film showing the events that follow in a man and woman’s life after a drunken one-night stand results in pregnancy. The film compare the man and woman’s views in dealing with this situation. The woman wants to keep the baby and has baby showers, shopes for baby clothes and chooses the baby’s names, while attempting to get closer to the father, while the man wants to get rid of the burden and plots different ways to avoid her, including moving and changing his name. He decides the best strategy is to try to force her to miscarry. In trying to eliminate the baby, the man ends up falling in love with her, they have a shotgun wedding and live happily ever after.

After reading that, I don’t know why I haven’t been signed yet. That’s a genius fucking story. I call it a love story of today’s generation. Now look at the Lohan pics while I sit her bitter that everyone is out to get me.

PS – I am only posting my next post after I see 10 comments in this post. That’s how my cue is gonna work. Go fuck yourself.

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