I'll Make You Famous…




I am – DJ Tek Doesn’t Like Me of the Day


I got a myspace message you’ll want to read. It is from DJ TEK…

Dude WTF? why the hell are you talking shit about me to Lindz when you don’t even fucking know me and by the way I’m not a fucking fag asshole!!! get your shit straight! cuz I said “gosh” according to you that makes me gayer than bicycle shorts thats fucking lame bro

I hate drama so please don’t start up shit with me!
next time you think of insulting someone you don’t know think about it, like I ever did anything to you

Later, [O][::][O] -DJ TEK

I would hate to be a fag’s asshole, that shit sees a lot more than I’d ever want to see…but that’s not the point. The point is that saying “Gosh” wasn’t why I said you were gayer than bicycle shorts, it was just part of the reason why.

You can add signing your name with your 2 turntables and Mixer icon [O][::][O] and having a Bob Sinclair song as your profile song along with all your homo DJ TEK pictures in your Myspace profile not to mention coming after me like a little girl for leaving a comment on the fake Lohan myspace page to the list of why you are Gayer than Bicycle Shorts. Using the word Gosh, or any of these things alone just makes you a cunt, putting them together in a pot we call DJ TEK makes you Gayer than Bicycle Shorts.

These are the myspace comments I left on Lohan’s page that he is referencing….

DJ Tek said gosh. Told ya he was gayer than bicycle shorts. That’s why I am the septic tank cleaner of all media and by all media I mean of shitty websites. Since I am too scared to leave my house and can’t afford cable, shitty websites is all media to me.

That may not make sense. It happens. Cuddles.

Jesus Martinez


you have hideous taste in music- my only restitution is that you banged whoever that was.

with love
jesus martinez

PS-DJ Tek is gayer than bicycle shorts.

These were his comments that made me make my comments…on lohan’s myspace…

Hey lover hows the wrist? hope your doing Ok I guess you won’t be typing sending me sexy comments for a while huh? well let me know how your doing whenever you get better!
Luv ya bitch feel better! -DJ TEK


Hey Skeez WTF I though I was the only
DJ in your life? that totally sux! hahaha j/k gosh you didn’t even send me a pack of ciggs 4 my 20th b-day
that reminds me I haven’t had one in like 10 whole minutes haha oooh maybe a glass of wine to go with that fuck I might as well drink the whole bottle and don’t worry I’ll have some on your behalf since your not here.

Later Skeez <3 ya [O][::][O] -DJ TEK COMMENT BACK 4 ONCE! 🙂 LOL

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