I'll Make You Famous…




I am – A Duffgusting Sister in a Hipster Setting….of the day


I am always surprised when I see the kind of traffic this fucking site gets. It’s like every loser on the internet and their socially awkward autistic brother are clicking into this site daily to see what some negro fag in a wig is up to and to check out some dirty HIV ridden cokeslut’s tits between session of RPG games. Now I am not a black hater or a gay basher and I am not against people with cameras or people who turn themselves into novelties to further their careers and I don’t mean to be politically incorrect by calling a spade a spade, or insult people with an addiction to drugs, sex and parties, and I am totally aware that his lifestyle is far more interesting than mine to the average person but I am also aware that he’s just a fad. He’s the American Apparel generation’s dictator of cool, without his pics, 16 year old girls in slim fitting jeans wouldn’t know how they are supposed to act at a party. So girl pull out them titties and rip lines off the toilet bowl, you are the club kids of the next generation, but you smell like dirty laundry and you may have daddy’s trust fund, and you may be partying with the Duffgusting sisters, and it may be “SICK” and you may think you’re “Fierce”, and you may talk about how “Geed out you were until you huffed an 8 ball of yay” but you’re still just as lame as the fuckers clicking into your site between sessions of RPG games with their Autistic brothers back in Kansas because they aren’t pretending to be something they aren’t. Now that’s the Word of Jesus. Cuddles.

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