I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lohan’s Coinslot Moisturizer Commercial of the Day

When I refer to a coinslot, I mean a specific type of vagina. One that isn’t meaty. I am not referring to ass crack, that’s something gay bloggers came up with and it’s made it’s way into the mainstream…but trust me when I say when they are talking about coinslot, they are pretending to talk about asscrack, but they are really talking about her slit….

Either way it’s still nice to watch Lohan talking about slot and dancing around with her raspy just enterted re-hab for being a crystal meth addicted cocksucker voice….

Lohan, if you’re out there, I’ll moisturize your coinslot, we are connected at the soul and that is why I stalk you….

Sometimes you gotta do things for your loved ones you would normally do. In this case, I’d do it even if we weren’t connected at the soul. Fuck, my writing gets pretty fucking lame sometimes..

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