I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Cameron Diaz's Ass in a Bikini of the Day


Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake broke up and now she’s dealing with the pain of all this by fucking a surfer named Kelly Slater, all while Justin brings Sexy Back inside every hot girl in the USA without a condom, Cameron brings some girl who’s got a useless ass to the beach. At least they are hanging out with Eddie Vedder and his guitar to poison their patio with some Pearl Jam, I am sure he had to cancel some upcoming shows to fit this in his schedule, oh wait it’s not 1995 anymore and he’s just as washed up as Cameron’s uterus. That probably offends you because you are singing along to “TEN” as you read this. That’s to be expected because you are a fucking loser and have no taste. This whore may not be able to compare to the hot sluts Justin is up inside and I may hate Cameron Diaz with a passion, but she’s got a decent body for a 40 year old and I would still bang her if I could, but I have no standards. My wife is about 40 and she could fit Cameron Diaz in her ass and she probably wouldn’t even notice…the reason I know this is because I have see her take shits that weigh more than this slut.

That’s not the point of this post and if you are wondering what the point of this post is, you’re going to have to keep on lookin cuz not having a point is kinda what I do…CUDDLES.

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