I'll Make You Famous…




Annalynne McCord is a Lesbian of the Day

I didn’t know who Annalynne McCord was before last week, because being down with young girls, I’m not always down with the shitty teen primetime soap operas they watch.

She’s on 90210 and based on her recent behavior, she seems to be lovin’ the fame. She gets up from her lunch and decides to go out to greet the paparazzi, something a jaded actor who hates their fame would never do, then she plays up the fact that she’s with a girl and when asked if she is the next Sam Ronson/Lindsay Lohan, she responded “no, Sam Ronson has a penis, me and my sister are all vagina”, no actually she kissed her on the mouth, but I think it’s safe to say this is bullshit and even if it isn’t, Katy Perry ruined it for me.

She’s skinny as fuck, looks like a clown and the highlight of the video isn’t her dyking out but the old bald guy who looks so excited to get her autograph and meet her, he is a creepy motherfucker who may not be me, but I wish it was, not because I want to meet this bitch, but because I want to be the guy who acts overly excited to meet no names because my life is so insignificant and filled with failure that I’ll take anything I can get.

We’re all allowed to have dreams, even back kids can now be taken a little more seriously when they say they wanna be the president of the United States, when before yesterday, they were just laughed at and given crack to sell….

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Lesbian