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Lil Wayne Gets Interviewed By Katie Couric of the Day

Lil Wayne did a serious interview with Katie Couric and I am posting it partially because I like Lil Wayne, I think he’s a talent, even if he’s a little lame and refers to himself as a gangster, which is something I don’t find all that gangster, because being gangster should be implied and I should have to be constantly reminded of it by a weird lookin’ soft spoken dude with a lot of ghetto tattoos. The other part of me is posting it because Katie Couric is a useless cunt. She’s condescending and it’s like she’s interviewing a fucking homeless dude about living in a bus shelter, she also makes a fool of herself when she says “the ‘tude” or “the weed”. The good news is she turns me, the real tragedy in all this is that I can’t get to see some pussy definition as her tight pants hug her in all the right ways while bowling.

Watch it.

Posted in:Interview|Lil Wayne