I'll Make You Famous…




Kara Dioguardi Bikini Stunt of the Day

Kara from American Idol is knows for writing really garbage pop songs that outsell actual good music numerous times over. She’s constantly annoyed me throughout the season of American Idol when I accidentally end up watching it because Ryan Seacrest gives me unhealthy boners. Mainly because she’s a horny fucking cougar on the prowl, ready to eat up any pussy that stands between her and the cock, and last night she tried to put her money where her mouth (that has seen many cock) is and sang her ass off and flashed her bikini body to let the bikini girl know she’s still got it. It was a weird fuckin scene, but I never complain when desperate rich sluts feel insecure, it usually means increased probability that I won’t be cummin’ alone when the lights in the bar turn on. Good times.

Here’s the video….

Posted in:Bikini|Kara Dioguardi