I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna’s Got Shitty Friends of the Day

I get it, Rihanna’s got such an exclusive life that people just don’t get it. Normal people just don’t know what it is like being a puppet to record execs who tell you what to sing, when to sing, how to sing, then shove your music thru filters and computers to make you sound worth listening to, fitting you into the equation that makes them a lot richer than you are, and that’s why you’re just the puppet. In your defense, you are making enough money to be considered rich, you have a nicer house than the one you grew up in, even though you thought your one room shanty you were molested by your father in was the best out there until you came to America, and enough money to rent luxury cars your boyfriend beat your ass in, giving you this ego that you are superior, so you hang with some other one-hit-wonder cunt with shitty music cuz you’re best superficial friends in a world where you can’t have friends, but you’re not doing the only thing that would make this pics interesting and that’s fisting each other’s large pussies….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Katy Perry|Rihanna|Shitty Friends